Sunday, May 2, 2010

I hate the idea of blogging

Yes, truly the idea of writing a blog has no appeal at all to me. I have lots of things to say, I'd just rather use my mouth and say them than go through the time and trouble of writing it all down. But I was inspired by some friends to realize that even if I basically just post some pictures of the kids from time to time, it is still fun for friends and family far away to be able to see them. And who knows, maybe I'll even be inspired to write something. :)

My sweet baby boy Elijah just loves to smile. At everything and ever
yone. All the time. Really, unless he's exhausted and about to fall asleep, he is nearly always happy, especially if he has an audience. Living in Asia, we get lots and lots of stares when we go out as a family, and Elijah gets more than anyone. People can't get over how white he is, and they absolutely love that he smiles his huge smile at them. The bigger the crowd surrounding him, the happier he is. He has no problems being handed from person to person. On more than one occasion people have been surprised to see him move - they assumed he was a doll instead of a real baby. The reason? He was too white to be real. :)

A typical crowd gathering to take photos of and admire the whiteness of my boy.

I was going to put some pictures up of Miriam too, but it is taking too long. Next time. Hopefully that will be in under a few weeks time. But I will say that I did enjoy hearing her tell me this evening as she was going to the bathroom, "Jesus went poo poo on the potty. He had poo in his bottom, and it came out into the potty. Then he said, 'all done!'. But Jesus went poopoo in the potty not his panties. Because Jesus doesn't like having poopoo on his buns. And he flushes the toilet when he's done." Except for the flushing part, I'm sure she is right.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! Keep up the efforts...we appreciate the pics and the hilarity of Rebecca writing. love you all, Em
