Sunday, November 18, 2012

Being Thankful

I was asked to write an article for our church's monthly newsletter on being thankful, and I just realized I could make it a blog post and get 2 for 1 benefit out of it. :)

My friend Rhonda asked me to write the article because she said she figured I had a lot to be thankful for this year.  And it’s true!  In the last year we have added two beautiful boys to our family through adoption (bringing our household total to four preschoolers).  We love the home that we have been blessed with, and in our neighborhood we have several wonderful friends.  If my husband could be doing any job in the world, he would be doing exactly what he is doing right now.  These were all the things that came to mind as I thought about what I had to be thankful for.

As I was mentally making my list, it reminded me of all the times over the years we have had Thanksgiving parties for the Chinese university students that we worked with.  Part of our party always included giving them an opportunity to list things that they were thankful for, and inevitably their lists included such common things as:  My family, My friends, My studies.  Very few of these students were believers in Jesus, but it occurred to me that, even without God in their lives, their lists looked almost identical to mine.  And it got me to thinking that if my list was no different than a non-Christian’s list, then something was wrong.  So here is my new list of things that I am thankful for.

I am thankful that in bringing Isaac and David into our home, God gave me way more than I can possibly handle.  Every day the level of needs and demands are overwhelming and I am completely unable to handle it.  And because of that, much of my former pride is revealed as the emptiness that it is, and I am driven every morning to cling to the promises that His mercy is new every morning and He is the one who will meet both the needs of myself and my children.  And on the days when I remember to look to Jesus my house is full of such redemptive chaos.

I am thankful not only for a wonderful house to live in, but I am also thankful for the leak in the basement and the line of sticky mystery substance that covers all my walls at about finger level for three year olds.  Because with Jesus in my life I don’t have to live enslaved to my stuff.  So many people live for their possessions, but I live for Christ so it doesn’t have to destroy me when everything isn’t perfect or as good as the neighbors.

I am thankful for friends who are not only friends but brothers and sisters in Christ who point me to Jesus.

I am thankful that in this current season of joy and fruitfulness in our work, God has graced us with the ability to see how past seasons of feeling frustration and fruitlessness have all been a part of the journey that has brought us here.  And I am thankful for the reminder that brings to not lose hope and heart when in the future unexpected turns and failures bring us back to another place where all is not what we wish it would be.

These are the things that I am truly thankful for in this season where we are reminded to give thanks.  It’s too easy to settle for giving thanks for things that don’t cost anything to give thanks for.  But I encourage you to press deeper to the more hidden and precious places of thankfulness.  That is where real joy and life are to be found – in truly being thankful.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Fun

The leaves are falling and the kids and I went out one afternoon to rake some of them and have some good old fashioned leaf pile jumping.  They loved it and I got some great pictures of them in the leaves that captures much of their personalities.

Miriam is sweet and beautiful inside and out

Every week there are more smiles and joy for Isaac

And we are learning that he loves to be just plain silly

Elijah is more full of life than almost anyone I know

Joy.  Pure and simple joy.

David loves and laughs with his whole self.

What a blessed mama I am!