When David smiles, he smiles with his whole face. Every part of it lights up.
He has a husky sort of laugh that is absolutely contagious.
He is very quick to smile. Partly because he is just generally happy, but it is also his way of trying to charm you into giving in to his desires when he doesn't want to obey. He is incredibly cute and he tries to use that to his advantage!
I've never met a little boy who loves hugs and snuggles more than he does.
I've also never met a boy who falls apart into a tantrum faster than he does. As soon as he realizes he won't get what he wants, he immediately throws himself backward onto the ground and begins to wail. The poor kid often hits his head with a big thump. Fortunately, these tantrums are occurring less frequently and last a shorter period of time.
When he first came to us, he was incredibly concerned about being neat and clean, especially while eating. I guess 4 months of his brother's influence was enough to convince him that there is nothing wrong with making messes - especially if there is a dog to clean up after you!
He loves loves loves loves loves to help with any kind of a job. He convulses with joy if you ask him to help set the table. He runs right over when you mention putting away toys. Heaven help you if you forget to let him flush the toilet. He is an amazing little helper. Well, sometimes his help is actually helpful.
Some of his favorite and newly acquired English words are "ALL DONE!!!", "yes mama!", "money", "beep beep", "no", "please", "amen!"
When he first came home, he didn't have a lot of physical stamina or strength. Now, though, he is much more active and able to keep up more running around with his siblings. He can also jump off of the couch without face-planting.
He loves to be tickled and generally cuddled with, but he has a curious habit of reaching up and pinching or scratching at your face whenever he starts to laugh. I'm pretty sure he isn't trying to hurt you since he is laughing and having a great time, but no matter how many times we say no and correct his behavior, he always does it. So now I tickle him at arms length. :)
He has an extroverted personality and enjoys being the center of attention. He is sometimes initially shy and can get overwhelmed in new situations, but he usually settles down quickly to trying to get everyone to notice and interact with him. If nothing else, he will yell your name over and over again to get your attention. Doesn't want anything except for you to look at him.
He gets along really well with Miriam. She enjoys helping him and trying to take care of him. He loves to be around her and they are good buds unless they both happen to want the same toy. Then they are both shrieking banshees.
He has a love/hate relationship with Elijah. He copies his little brother all the time and likes to be where he is. But he also knows how to push Elijah's buttons and often instigates fights by trying to take things from Elijah or just get into Elijah's space in a way he knows will provoke him. Then when Elijah retaliates the only way my totally-physical son knows how (i.e pushing/hitting/occasionally biting), David starts screaming bloody murder and runs up to me and tells me just exactly what his brother did. David is starting his professional soccer career early because that boy can take a fake fall like no one else I know. I've seen Elijah merely swat at him without actually making contact, and David immediately falls to the ground and starts screaming that Elijah hit him. Of course, much of the time Elijah has actually hit him. So it makes it hard to sort out because I often don't see what happened, I just hear the fall-out.
If I had to take one picture that captures the meaning of the word "joy", it would be a picture of David's face at the exact moment he realizes that his Abba has come home from work. He squeals, runs and throws himself at Jeff. Not a bad greeting when you come in the door!
There are so many other things to write, but this is a good start for me to get down in writing some of these early experiences of David. I don't even have words for how blessed we've felt by how well David has done in adjusting to our family. Everyone who meets him can hardly believe he's been home such a short time because he is such a happy, loving little boy who absolutely delights in being with his family. And we absolutely delight in him!