Sunday, October 30, 2011

Loving On Some Kiddos

Every week on our way to church, we pass by what we refer to as the "car wash street". Alongside the edge of a canal, there are a strip of makeshift homes and stores that are all in the car wash business. There is a factory across the canal that employs some of the men, but many of the families try to make enough to eat through their car wash business.

Behind the car wash store fronts, there is a maze of one-room cement homes. Trash is literally everywhere, as the government doesn't provide trash services to them. I have yet to see a bathroom, but I can't imagine that it actually has true plumbing. In fact, I haven't seen running water in any of the "homes" that I have been in. They are comprised of a bed, a small dresser, and a table for the most part. Some of the roofs are sheets of tin held down with bricks around the edges.

So as I mentioned, we drive by this place every week, and it has been growing in our hearts for a while now that we would love to be able to do something to help the families and children we see as we go by. So last Saturday we made our first trip to visit. We stopped to get our car washed, and as we did, Elijah and Miriam ran back to the area where people live and started making friends. Especially Elijah. We call him our goodwill ambassador, because he loves everyone and everyone loves him. We spent maybe 45 minutes there, just talking with some people and letting our kids make some new friends. One little boy in particular, his name is Niuniu, became good buds with Elijah. They followed each other around everywhere.

At the end of our time, some of the families asked if we would help teach some English to their kids, so we made arrangements to come back yesterday. We showed up with some simple English teaching props and a pan of chocolate chip cookie bars. Much to our surprise, not one of the probably 15 kids would even touch the bars, much less eat them. Lesson learned: next time bring fruit. :) It was pretty chaotic and I'm not sure many of the kids learned anything, but we enjoyed continuing to build relationships. Miriam finally got an "in" with some of the other little girls and was running up and down the alleys yelling happily with them. Little Niuniu was our most diligent student and liked telling Miriam and Elijah the Chinese names for things.

Our plan is to go back again next week. We have no idea where things are going to go from here. Maybe nowhere. Or maybe there will be a door opened for us that we don't see yet. All we know is that we have a burden to serve and love this little community, and are praying that God would open up a way for that to happen if that's His plan. I'll let you know.

The kids with Niuniu (not the most flattering look for either of mine, but Niuniu is a doll :))

Some views of the area

Friday, October 21, 2011

To my little man

Hello my sweet little boy! I've been sitting here all night thinking about you (a very common occurence), and I decided I should just go ahead and write to you. Mostly I'm just thinking about all the things I love about you.

I love that you are such a strong fighter to have survived being so sick when you were just a newborn baby. Did you know that even half the grownups that get sick like you don't get better? But you were just a tiny baby and you not only got well, but now you are such a grown up two year old and are doing amazing!

I love your sweet sweet smile! It shows me your gentle loving little heart. And a bit of a strong spirit too! I bet you're going to be a snuggler! At least, if you don't want your mama to drive you crazy by always trying to scoop you up I sure hope you learn to like it. I've got a lot of missed hugs and cuddles to make up for!

I was holding your little brother tonight (I know you've seen the pictures, but boy are you in for a treat when you truly realize you've got an awesome little brother just 7 weeks younger than you!), and I got a little teary-eyed wishing I could be holding you too. I was rocking him when he woke up feeling scared, and I prayed for you that your foster mama would be able to hold you and rock you the same way when you get scared. She does rock you, doesn't she?

You also have the best big sister in the whole world. Do you know that at least once a day she reminds me that she wants YOU for her birthday present!? That's right, her birthday is in a month, right when we are expecting to be able to bring you home, and she couldn't be more excited! Every time she draws a picture or picks a flower or sees something she likes, she always asks if she can send it to you.

Whenever I go out anywhere with the family, I always imagine what it will be like one day soon when you are with us. Every trip to the park, or to our favorite restaurant, or to visit a friend, I am always thinking of you. Wondering if you will like the monkeys or the zebras best at the zoo. If you will be a crazy daredevil like your brother on the playground, or if you will be happy to sit for hours playing in the sand box like your sister. Wondering if you will like my enchiladas or only want Chinese food (it's ok if you only want Chinese, Miriam and Elijah could happily live off of only that too). Wondering....wondering so many things and sometimes being so heartbroken I don't know the answers and other times being so EXCITED to find them out.

Only about one more month to go my sweet little boy. Then you will finally be home. The home God chose from before the beginning of time for you to have. Do you still have the stuffed dog we sent you in the first care package? I bought him the day we knew you were meant to be a part of our family. We named him Hope, and sent him to you as soon as we could so that whenever you held him he would remind you of the hope you have to be our son. Even though you aren't physically with us now, you are already our son. I love you with all that fierce, deep, tender, longing mama love.

You are my little boy, and you always will be. Sleep well tonight my precious one. Mama is praying over you and counting down the days. Soon little one. Not soon enough, but soon.

All my love,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Apple Tortured

In an attempt to distract myself from the maddening fact that it has already been 6 days and the NVC has still not emailed me the letter they promised I would receive "shortly", I have decided to recap some of my favorite kid quotes from the last 3-4 months before I forget them. The first is the most recent, from this past week. BTW, for those who don't know, Miriam is 3 1/2.

On our way to pick apples at an orchard, Miriam says, "Mama, I'm so excited we get to go see an apple tortured!"

After being told she could not have the snack she wanted,
Miriam (complete with feet stomping and arm flapping): I am both ANGRY and FRUSTRATED at the same time!!!
Me: Why?
Miriam: Because I want what I want and I can't have it!!
Me: That's the same problem every person has

Me: Miriam, are you American or Chinese? (asked because she was born in China and we live there although she is white as white can be :))
Miriam: No
Me: I mean, do you think you are American or Chinese?
Miriam: No. My name is Miriam. I am a third culture kid, and I'm special!!
Me: You are absolutely right! :)

Jeff: Miriam, Paper Tiger (her favorite book store) doesn't have the Dora books you like anymore.
Miriam: That's tragical!

Miriam: Mama, can you tell me what I will be when I grow up?
Me: No I can't. That's something you get to choose for yourself
Miriam: I think maybe I want to be a lifeguard.
Me: You could be a lifeguard.
Miriam: Or do you think I can be a mama?
Me: Yes, you can be a Mama if you want to.
Miriam: No....I don't want to choose those things. They aren't good enough. I want to choose something really good!
Me: Like what?
Miriam: Something really so so good! I know!! I can be a bunny!

Oh good! I thought of one for Elijah! (he just turned two, so not so many quotable quotes :)). Our good friend Leah just had a baby a couple of weeks ago, and one day while she was still pregnant Elijah came up and patted her belly and said, "Ball!" Leah explained it was a baby, so he patted her again and said, "Baby!" About a week later, He's sitting next to me on the couch,
Elijah (while poking my stomach): Ball!
Me: No, that's just mommy's tummy
Elijah: Biiiiiiiiggggggg ball!!
Me: Not a ball Elijah, mama's tummy
Elijah: No ball. Baby!!
Me: No, not a baby either
Elijah: Baby baby baby!!! (then he proceeds to kiss my stomach over and over)
Me: You are not good for my ego :)

Ok, that's all that's coming to mind at the moment. Hope it made you smile :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blogging guilt

Yes indeed, I just looked back and realized I haven't even written a blog since I could mention my son's name and picture. *sigh* This is why I avoid blogging. Once you start, there is an expectation that you would continue to write on a more than bi-annual basis.

Well, I doubt any amount of guilt I am feeling right now will be strong enough to keep me blogging as often as my family wishes, but it is enough to get me to post an adoption update. I'm sure everyone who is reading this already knows, but we are eagerly expecting sometime this November to bring home our son, David Gordon TianXiang Staege!! I will post the timeline of events below, but just today we received our I-800 provisional approval, which puts our wait time at about a month and a half until we get to pick up our little man! Miriam keeps saying she hopes he comes home by her birthday (Nov 23rd) because it would make a really good birthday present. I agree!

Without further ado, here are some pictures of our handsome boy!

Here is David at 7 months old - fat and healthy after recovering from serious illness!

David at 16 months old

David and his foster brother right after returning to the orphanage

David this past June just before his 2nd birthday

Here is our adoption timeline up to this point:

2/3/11 - agency approves our application
3/5/11 - LOI
3/12/11 - PA
4/1/11 - HS complete
6/7/11 - I-797
7/15/11 - DTC
7/21/11 - LID
9/5/11 - LOA
9/28/11 - I-800 approval